Physics is one of the so-called 'facilitating subjects', i.e. subjects that are most often required or preferred by top UK universities when it comes to entry requirements.
Even if you don't necessarily want to get a degree in this particular subject, taking Physics A-level (Advanced level qualifications being the most popular qualifications for university admissions in the UK) is important for entering many courses including Computer Science, Engineering, Medicine, and Psychological & Behavioural Sciences, especially when it comes to universities like Oxford and Cambridge. For example, the University of Cambridge lists it among the subjects that are essential for many of its courses.
At the same time, physics can be challenging to love, especially when it’s seen as another subject at school or a mere set of homework problems, and approaching it the wrong way can make your university preparation period harder than it has to be.
So here's a number of tips on how to develop a deeper understanding and appreciation of physics, and get some much-needed inspiration along the way:
Read a book Seven Brief Lessons on Physics by Carlo Rovelli
Exam preparation aside, this concise and beautifully-written book by Italian theoretical physicist and writer Carlo Rovelli will show you a fascinating, breath-taking world of modern physics outside the classroom. The book touches upon such complicated topics as general relativity, quantum mechanics, cosmology and thermodynamics, and does it in a way that many critics has rightfully compared to nothing short of poetry.
Revel in Physics puzzles and simulations
Too much passive learning can be the enemy of progress in physics. Physics Zone is an educational website chock-full of engaging interactive simulations and games that help learners visualize and break down various concepts from high school and university-level physics.
Check out Isaac Physics
Isaac Physics is a great free online platform specifically aimed at students transitioning from GCSE or IGCSE, through to Sixth Form (Years 12 & 13), to university. One of the platform's founders, the late Professor at the University of Cambridge Mark Warner, was a theoretical physicist and a pioneer in the field of liquid crystal elastomers.
The website is designed as an interactive game where you can choose the level of difficulty, the particular topics, and the skills you would like to work on. This format allows learners to develop a better understanding of physical notions by solving actual problems (including those related to real-world situations) rather than simply memorising the new material they are studying.
Explore the best physics resources out there
They include the official websites of NASA and CERN (the European Organization for Nuclear Research), and authoritative physics magazines like Physics Today and Physics World. Also, you can check out 10 YouTube channels that perfectly capture the magic of wonder and discovery that is such an essential part of physics.
Here at LEO International Online School, we provide personalised learning and ensure that each pupil receives vital teacher attention so that every child can learn various subjects, including physics, at their own pace. Learn more about our programmes and courses here, and don't hesitate to contact us at info@leo-school.uk.