A congratulatory message to our students and parents from the Headteacher!
This term has been a very busy term for LEO School. In September we increased our
offering to students by introducing some new study programmes.
Our new Individual Programme enables students who join us speaking no English,
regardless of age, to begin by learning English and then progress to join classes at their own
pace. This has proven very successful, with students already in main classes for several
subjects. This programme also allows for students who may not be able to join all classes to
specify which subjects they wish to attend.
Our new Self Education Programme allows students who may not be able to attend due to
other schooling commitments to watch all their classes at a time to suit them but still be
supported by teachers who mark their homework and set and mark tests as well as providing
helpful reports for parents.
We have also introduced a pre- A level course where students who are age 15-17 can join
classes in subjects that they are considering taking at A level to gain a background
understanding of the subjects before committing to them at A level. This has proved very
popular since it was introduced, especially to students who have not studied a British
curriculum before or who are not sure which subjects to take at A level.
This term we also introduced our Intensive English (ESL) Programme, whereby students
have English lessons daily Monday – Friday to enable them to learn English more quickly,
whatever their level. This is available to full time and part time LEO Students as well as
students who study elsewhere.
Our ESL classes have gone from strength to strength this term and are proving extremely
popular due to the variety of courses available at every level. The ESL teaching team has
grown and we now have six specialist teachers for all ages and abilities of ESL learners.
This term our Primary School has also expanded. We now have three fully qualified Primary
School Teachers all teaching full time as well as a teaching assistant. We now offer Year 1
classes in both the mornings and afternoons due to the increase in numbers of pupils. The
Primary School pupils all work to be their class ‘Star of the Week’ each week and are
awarded stickers and certificates for hard work and effort weekly.
Our IGCSE offering to students has increased this term and we are now pleased to offer
Economics at IGCSE (and A level) as well as English Literature, Environmental
Management and German at IGCSE. The increase in numbers of students studying at Year
10 has enabled us to open IGCSE classes in the mornings and afternoons, giving students a
choice of when they would like to study.
Our newest offering to students is due to start after the holidays in January. This is our new
extra-curricular programme which will offer students of all ages the opportunity to widen their education. Students will be able to study subjects like Drama (with recognised qualifications) as well as languages such as French and Spanish.
For more information, or to secure a place, please contact the school.
I would like to finish by thanking our wonderful students, their parents, our teachers and
academic and administrative support for their hard work and support this term and wish you
all a peaceful and restorative holiday.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!